About Dr. Jane McKay

Clinical Associate Professor UBC

Physicians and Surgeons are licensed and regulated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC).

Dr. McKay attests that she is licensed by the CPSBC. She is in good standing with the college.

Proof of licensure can be obtained:

Dr Mckay finished her medical school training in Saskatoon in 1993. She completed an Internal Medicine

Residency at UBC in 1998. She has two post residency graduate certificates, Medical Education at UBC,

In addition, the American Society of Hypertension Certificate. She has also multiple leadership


Dr McKay’s career has always focused on providing care for the most fragile and marginalized in society.

She has worked as a General Internal Medicine specialist at St Paul’s Hospital (SPH) in Vancouver since 2000.

She has multiple clinical areas of interest including medical management of eating disorders,

Hypertension, ME/CFS, FM, as well as acute care medicine at SPH. Medical Education has always been

Integrated in her work. She has been a UBC an Associate Post Graduate Medical Leader for Internal

Medicine Residency program. She has organized and led educational courses for family doctors at SPH

For 17 years. She is asked to speak often both locally and nationally on her clinical areas of interest.

Dr McKay has had an extensive leadership portfolio. She developed the provincial medical care model

For Eating Disorders for BC. She is the lead Internal Medicine specialist for the Provincial Eating Disorder

Program. She has held leadership portfolios at Providence Health Care since 2008. She recently left her

Role as Physician Program Director for Medicine, Older Adults and Palliative Care. This portfolio included

Managing all acute care medical beds, geriatrics and palliative care services, in addition to all medical

Ambulatory clinics at Providence Health Care She was in this role for 7 years. She was integral in

Organizing, developing and executing medical care for COVID patients during the pandemic. She served

As the provincial Medical Director for the Post Covid Recovery Clinics of British Columbia. Along with

Many, she developed educational material, directed clinical care, and provided care for the “long covid

“Patient for all of BC.

Her interest in ME/CFS, FM came from years of seeing patients in her ambulatory clinics at SPH. She

Joined the CCDP in 2016.

Her hopes in her leadership role as Medical Director at CCDP is to leverage her skill set in clinical care,

Medical education and medical leadership to improve access and care to individuals with complex

Chronic diseases including ME/CFS, FM and Lyme disease