About Group Medication Visits

  • Group Medication Visits are for patients who want to:
    Try a new drug (e.g., low dose naltrexone)
    Need a refill for the drug
    Want to increase the dose of the drug

  • Topics:
    There are 10 different topics (2 topics per week usually)
    The topics repeat every 5 to 6 weeks
    See below for a list of topics

    1 hour group sessions
    20 minute presentation on the medication(s)
    40 minutes of Q&A
    At the end of the session, patients should be able to determine if it is the right medication for them
    Patients then email Bruno (for Dr. Arseneau) or Pamela (for Dr. McKay) to request the medication within 1 day
    The doctor will write a note and send you and your doctors a copy of the note
    The doctor will fax a prescription to your pharmacy
    The patient will receive a copy of the presentation slides
    The patient will download a detailed information sheet about the medication (Resources --> Medication Handouts)

  • Note:
    Although these group visits are available to all patients in our practice, ONLY patients who have had a 1:1 consultation with Dr. Arseneau or Dr. McKay will be able to get a prescription. Patients who have not had a 1:1 consult can participate for education/information.

Group Medication Visit Topics

  1. Low Dose Naltrexone

  2. Low Dose Aripiprazole

  3. Guanfacine and Stimulants

  4. Medication for POTS and Dysautonomia (propranolol, ivabradine, mestinon)

  5. Medication for Sleep

  6. Help! Too Many Choices – Help Me Choose a Medication

  7. Medications for MCAS

  8. Choosing a Pain Medication

  9. Switching from Gabapentin/Pregabalin to Topiramate to Avoid Weight Gain and Promote Weight Loss